This site is the creative portfolio of Lee Manansala. I am currently a video editor at New York Times Cooking. Previously, I was a video editor at Harper's Bazaar and a motion GFX artist at Condé Nast Entertainment and a freelance filmmaker, producer, and narrative/documentary film editor.

Hannah and Her Sister

Introduction to Hannah and Her Sister

123 Canal Street

Episode Three of A One and A Two.

Introduction to 123 Canal Street

ballerina leemanansala v4.jpg

The Sage Grouse @ Under Current

Hannah and Her Sister

Introduction to Hannah and Her Sister

123 Canal Street

Episode Three of A One and A Two.

Introduction to 123 Canal Street

The Sage Grouse @ Under Current

Hannah and Her Sister
Introduction to Hannah and Her Sister
123 Canal Street
Introduction to 123 Canal Street
ballerina leemanansala v4.jpg
The Sage Grouse @ Under Current